Digital Currency Platform

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Your selected currency is USD. Rates and availability are displayed based on selected currency. Switch currency by clicking any preferred currency above.
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Rate Table

Our Rate Information, Simply Unbeatable

Check out the rate table updated regularly to reflect current market price

Name Price You Buy (per USD) You Sell (per USD)
USD Tether 1.00 USD/USDT 2.10 USD 0.75 USD
Perfectmoney 8.00 USD/USD 1.80 USD 0.50 USD
Bitcoin 68,221.63 USD/BTC 1.10 USD 0.75 USD
Ethereum 3,277.70 USD/ETH 2.10 USD 0.75 USD
Bitcoin Cash 382.09 USD/BCH 2.00 USD 0.50 USD
Litecoin 71.52 USD/LTC - USD - USD
Dogecoin 0.1358 USD/DOGE 1.40 USD 0.70 USD
Binary/Deriv USD - 1.20 USD 0.90 USD
Paypal Transfer - - USD - USD

Secure Exchange and Wallet Service

Check out what we offer and why we are preferred


We provide buy and sell service of notable cryptocurrencies.


Our wallet service allows you to store your coin with us and exchange at any time.


We are trusted by our customers to deliver quality services always.

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